Back To School

Today we got the awesome opportunity to read to some really cool three and four year olds at Lutcher Head Start in Lutcher, LA! A good friend of our's, who we can liken as a warm, mother figure, Mrs. Cathy Thompson, invited us last week to come and visit her class. Since hanging out with kids is pretty high on our list of things we enjoy doing, we didn't hesitate to block out our schedules to make this visit happen. Lutcher is about 40 minutes east of us in a rural, neighboring parish (just like a county) called St. James. We rose early this morning, got dressed, then headed out to pick-up our lil' homie, Deshawn from school. Deshawn is like a little brother to us and with his lively personality, sharp sense of humor, and maturity beyond his years, we're down with checking him out of school in a heartbeat to come run around with us on business and cool stuff.

When we got to Lutcher Head Start, we caught the kids as they were headed to lunch, so we greeted them all in their classroom and walked with them to the lunch room. On our way to their lunch room, we passed the gymnasium that just so happened to have a well-aired basketball laying by the bleachers. 

We made a quick detour for a lil shoot around, then reunited with the class. On today's menu was tacos accompanied by corn, salad, and some kinda wheat bread with cinnamon sprinkled on top. It was "aight" as far as cafeteria food goes, but now we both have a greater appreciation to be able to choose what we want to eat for lunch everyday!

After lunch, we all walked back, single file, to the classroom. Grabbing our books, scooping up some chairs, and posting up outside, the kids sat and enjoyed our reading from some steps. Overall it was a blast and we're looking forward to next time!